The hidden face of shyness pdf
The hidden face of shyness pdf

It was actually really bad, there was one time some friends and I were driving back from another town after a party, I was dying to piss, it was actually very painful at this point and so I asked if we could pull over so I could piss on the side of the road. Now we're just giving you specifics to concentrate on.Īlright this is going to sound weird and gross because well, I'm posting this with my account I use to look at fetish stuff but regardless I was a pee-shy man for a long time and eventually learned to overcome it. Hell, thing of it this way: EVERYONE is giving you the same advice to "relax" (aka the poor inarticulate man's "stop thinking about it") Just deep concentration on a thought and the confidence that it works. In no time, you'll be able to do it without needing an external device. You can just open an email you've read a 1000 times and concentrate intently on it.Īnd "practice" at home to build that confidence the top OP is taking about. It almost became like meditation once I learned to "clear my mind." But lucky you, you live in the day and age of the cellphone. Forgetting where I was and what I was doing. but lest you think I'm advocating military service to get over bladder shyness, I'll tell you the METHOD I used destraction.Focusing my mind on anything else. I got over it because I had to, there was just no chance for privacy in BCT. Wanna know one of the things that scared me the most about joining the military pre-war? Peeing openly infront of other men. Come on".or maybe she was trying to help, hell I don't know.this post is getting away from me.Įx-bladder shy redditor here. I know it sounds stupid but this is coming from a guy who's problem was so prominent that his girlfriend thought is was funny to stand in the bathroom with him and stare directly at it while saying "do it. You'll lose focus on the room around you and what's happening and nature should override. Kinda like when you want to last longer in bed. If that doesn't work - usually does - just do math in your head or otherwise distract yourself. Like how you're gonna be able to hold up that massive dick while you do your business. There's zero reason for you to worry about using a public restroom when you've got more important things on your mind in that moment. What's he even gonna do about it? Nothing, that's what. So that guy a urinal over is going to hear you piss? Fuck him, you should just piss all over him. Just get yourself in a confident mindset (should be easy after drinking) and imagine how much of a badass you are, there's nothing that can bother you. Ok this is gonna sound ridiculous but bear with me, I've had essentially the same problem and this has helped me overcome it for the most part.īe confident. Note: Bans will not be reversed if the post/comment in question has been deleted from your history. You may appeal this initial ban by messaging the moderators and agreeing not to break the rules again. Note that moderators will use their own discretion to remove any post that they believe is low-quality or not considered a LPT.īans are given out immediately and serve as a warning.

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    The hidden face of shyness pdf